“Bee Playground” Cruinniú na nÓg 2018, St Anne’s Road Pocket park June 2018
Project proposal for workshop
The residents group around St. Anne’s Pocket Play Park have wished for this workshop with the local children
A workshop that is educational, creative and adventurous with the aim to deepen the children’s understanding for nature and ecology. Encourage them to get immersed in improving the little park for themselves as a play hub but also for the native wildlife.
During a 5 day workshop:
We built a bee- motel on the existing high wall It is a sculpture as well as a suitable home for the Mason bees, they are very active pollinators but non-stinging. Mason bees prefer to nest in holes on walls that receive sunshine. So the existing high wall on site is perfect it is south- west facing and anchors to fix the bee nesting sculptures exist already.
We used natural materials to build: Willow and bamboo for the structure to attach to the wall and hollow stemmed branches for the bees to nest. Weather permitting the building will take place on site. Otherwise in the adjacent ABC campus.
We also be planted further bee- fodder plants.
Using the same natural, structural willow we will build temporary play- sculptures in-between the existing play elements (all crafted from a beech tree fallen during a winter storm). I have run a sculptural willow-weaving workshop in Summer 2017 on Great Western Square (Link 1 Link 2) and the children immersed themselves in the build, as it is easy and quick to do. It allows the children to really get involved in building. The sculptures on Great Western Square stayed in place for the rest of the summer and were much enjoyed as play elements.
- A performer- choreographer will develop and choreograph a site-specific dance performance with the children that take part in the workshop. The choreography will incorporate the experience of the children building the bee- motel and the willow play sculptures because it is a site-specific piece, all choreography and rehearsals will be done at the Pocket park, weather permitting. (Otherwise it will be possible to use a community room in the adjacent Arts and Business Community Campus Drumcondra)
Event on Saturday the 23rd of June 2018
-The children who developed and practised it with the choreographer during the week will perform the choreography. After that it will be repeated inviting all children watching to join in
- The bee- motel explained by the children who built it
- The willow play sculptures as well as the permanent elements of the play park will be played with
The event will be phenomenal realization of what a park can be that really served the community.